Chapter 1: Welcome to the MasterClass
1/5 -
Chapter 3: Marketing your skills and experiences
3/5 -
Chapter 4: Enhancing your LinkedIn profile
4/5 -
Chapter 5: Conclusion
I worked for it."
About this MasterClass
With more than 740 million users and 55 million company listings from over 200 countries, it’s safe to say that LinkedIn is the world’s most dominant business networking platform. And with as many as 87% of recruiters using LinkedIn to source talent, it’s a place you absolutely want to be. Just like your resume, you have just 6 to 10 seconds to make a positive impression on LinkedIn. That’s why it’s crucial for your profile to prove beyond doubt that you are an ideal match for any role you apply for.
Leveraging your LinkedIn profile will teach you everything you need to know to make an awesome impression.
We’ll show you how to best illustrate your SKILL, WILL, and FIT:
the SKILLS TO SUCCEED in the job,
the WILL TO SUCCEED in the job,
and your FIT into ANY JOB YOU APPLY FOR.
Course Contents

Your instructor Jan Hendrik von Ahlen
What you will get
The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Summaries
Become a memberAfter completing this course you will be able to:
Be found between millions of professionals when headhunters and recruiters are searching for talent
Build a profile that’ll wow hiring managers
Enhance your online presence and build your personal brand
Effectively connect to and network with peers in your industry
Loved by clients
More MasterClass Courses to Accelerate Your Career
Leverage LinkedIn to build your personal brand
This MasterClass is for senior-level professionals who want to make sure that they are found when headhunters and recruiters search for talent.
Become a member